Review of

If you are intested in buying a Peel P50 car from Pendine Motors Ltd (, runned by Jim Buggle and Craig Wilson from the UK, then be aware that you can lose your money.


The outcome of the Court procedure has been that (Pendine Motors Ltd) was obliged to refund my deposit and all legal costs as well. High Court Enforcement Officers visited the business premises of P50Cars to collect the money, but both directors (Jim and Craig) claimed not knowing anything about my deposit (?!?). However once the Officers started to uplift goods they immediately arranged a BACS payment. The behaviour of these rogue directors is absolutely disgusting. They clearly had no intention at all to deliver my P50 car. After this frustrating experience I was lucky to get my money back. Case closed for me now, but sadly not for many other victims of this rogue company. Therefore this review website stays active forever to warn new victims for Pendine Motors Ltd ( and their rogue directors Jim Buggle (James) and Craig Wilson from the UK.


Deposit taken, but no car delivered

In 2020 I came in touch with Jim Buggle (James) and Craig Wilson from Pendine Motors Ltd (, the UK replica manufacturer of the iconic Peel P50. After some emails I enthusiastically ordered a Top Gear Peel P50. The deposit of £4498.64 was paid immediatly. Jim Buggle handled the order.

The delivery of my Peel P50 in Holland was scheduled for March or April 2021. But sadly that didn't happen! After many attempts to get in touch with Jim Buggle or anyone else from Pendine Motors Ltd (, by phone and email, I desperately decided to post some messages on Facebook. It turned out quickly that I was not the only one in this situation.

Due to my many attempts to contact this company and their absolute lack of communication towards customers, I decided to launch this review website to warn other potential buyers for this rogue company. 

Be aware that you can lose your money too and that you won't hear again from Jim Buggle and/or Craig Wilson from (Pendine Motors Ltd) after paying a deposit.

It's so sad that this company still uses Jeremy Clarkson, the former presenter on the BBC2 motoring show Top Gear, on to appear trustworthy. Jeremy Clarkson if you're reading this, take action!

The company still seems to exist. Debt Collect UK therefore started a court action in order to get my deposit back. If you want to join this court action or if you have more information about this rogue UK manufacturer or their owners Jim and Craig, don't hesitate to contact me. Every message will be treated confidentially.

It's a great pity that this is necessary, but, Pendine Motors Ltd, Jim Buggle and Craig Wilson simply leave me no other choice. Take advantage of this review and don't make the same mistake I did.

Paul Visser from The Netherlands.

PS. I wish I hadn't been so excited beforehand and that I paid more attention to the website and Facebook page of Just try to find a customer who actually received a car. Exactly! This alone should have been a red flag for me!



Jim Buggle (James) and Craig Wilson seem to continue with collecting deposits on behalf of

I wouldn't even be surprised if they also collect deposits on behalf of other company names too. Links and other information to stop these fraudulent gentlemen are therefore more than welcome.

Contact me by using the form below. Every message is treated confidentially.